The Approach 360

Learnt in Hours

Maintained in Minutes

Useful Forever

The Approach 360 is my award-winning unique, easy-to-learn and extremely effective method of self-defence suitable for all.

This has been tried and tested worldwide for over a decade with huge success and is now available to learn ONLINE in over 30 compact video lessons!

And in simple terms... it’s Devastatingly Deadly!

Here’s why:

  • Hand friendly: Throwing a punch is one sure way to damage your hand, making it difficult to protect yourself further (for example, law-enforcement cannot afford to damage their hands, or else they cannot reach for and use their weapons). The Approach teaches to strike as hard as possible, WITHOUT ever throwing a single punch.

  • No blocks, only strikes: Trying to block an incoming attack puts you at massive risk and is one way to allow a fight to continue. Therefore The Approach is built on strikes only, with the intention that “every strike ends the fight”

  • Learned quickly: Every single move is a natural body movement you can ALREADY perform. There is nothing woo-woo or fancy about this. All that’s required is an enhanced awareness of HOW to harness and unleash the power these movements have, which is so obvious it’s often learnt first-time!

  • Simple choice, zero confusion: You can either use this system preemptively (to nullify the threat by hitting first) or reactively (attacking the oncoming punch/strike). It just depends on what the situation is. Again, this system includes NO blocks - just strikes!

  • Eliminates “What Technique Syndrome”: There are purposefully only a select few moves covered in The Approach, and all of them link together upon fundamental and natural body movements that are ingrained in us as humans. Meaning you’ll never need to think in the face of danger ever again - just act!

  • Hit hard: My principle “every strike ends the fight” is woven throughout. Each and every move is a hard-hitting, fight-ending strike that’s easy to learn and natural to perform. I show you exactly how to perform each one, plus how you can steadily increase your power to turn you into an absolute cannonball.

  • Gross motor skills ONLY: There’s no need to practice hours on end attempting to build muscle memory for complex combinations or fancy techniques. The Approach ONLY utilises gross-motor skills, think of things like throwing a ball, skimming a frisbee, or walking with your feet. None of this requires you to “learn” something new. These are movements you’re already making all the time.

  • 360 Degrees: Real life is never 1-on-1, jab-jab stuff. The Approach is built to deal with ALL directions and attacks. It prepares you to strike hard, fight with - and defend against - bare fists and/or weapons, and be able to fight whether on the ground or standing

  • Deals with all 3 battles you’re fighting: 1) Your Aggressor (i.e. the threat), 2) Your Self (i.e your inner doubts), and 3) The Law (CCTV, witnesses, etc.)

There’s also a lot more that makes The Approach 360 suitable to ANY person who wants to learn effective self-defence.

It’s been taught to everyone:

  • Police

  • Military

  • Those working in the Security Industry

  • Kids at after-school clubs

  • People who have never trained in martial arts or combat sports before

  • All sizes, genders, ages, and abilities

The Approach 360

The Approach 360 is a universal system you can start learning immediately today.

It requires ZERO preparation:

  • You don’t need ANY previous combat or fighting experience: I teach this EXACT system to school kids every week, plus parents, teachers, and other people in positions of responsibility

  • You don’t need to be a “tough guy”, in peak physical condition or a certain height/body shape: Each and every move is a natural body movement INGRAINED into our being, simply having two arms, two legs, and being able to move them is enough

  • You don’t need to attend a dojo, gym, or workshop: Whilst I do teach this in-person, The Approach Online is something you can learn in the comfort of your home or preferred place of learning, at your own pace, without a sparring partner, pads, or any special equipment

  • You don’t need to dedicate hours and hours practising: Due to the natural element of this system, the majority of it can be learnt first time. It’s full of “aha” moments as we uncover the power and intensity of things you’ve been doing every day without realising it

  • You won’t need anything else: Seriously, this is not part of a longer series of systems. The people I teach The Approach learn it and move on with confidence and competence. It fulfills its promise and job done. 

Here’s what’s included in The Approach 360:

  • Lifetime access to over 30 compact video lessons, averaging just a few minutes per video, each building on the lessons before it to ensure a gradual progression

    Topics covered:
  • Essential footwork, how to ensure you’re balanced, comfortable, and making the most of your strong side

  • Power development, increasingly building strength in your movements by gaining a better understanding of the power your body already has and how to unlock more of it

  • Principles of engagement, how to manage your stress levels, stay focused, and ensure you nullify the threat and defend yourself, whilst remaining on the right side of the law

  • Devastating forehand, backhand, and elbow strikes and combinations that are brain-dead simple and feel as normal as throwing a stone, skimming a frisbee or kicking a ball

  • 360 degree awareness, empower your “strong side” and develop your “weak side”, ensuring you stay supported and mobile despite what direction attacks come from

    Plus the following additional bonuses:

    • Do's and Don'ts Visual Guide
      When learning on your own it’s possible to fall into a few bad habits. However, this simple downloadable e-guide shows in clear graphical detail the “Do’s and Dont’s” of The Approach, including common mistakes made with stance, strikes, knees, etc. Some of these are costly in terms of power loss and potential injury, so it’s worth keeping this guide handy to check you’re not making them

    • 4 Essential Strikes Everyone Should Learn (6 extra videos)
      These are isolated strikes from The Approach that are perfect to use for extra training, revision, or to give your family members and loved ones something a bit easier to digest! (If they don’t want to follow the whole course!)

    • My Story
      This was an interview I held with WOMA TV, where I spoke in candid depth about my near-death experience, subsequent martial arts journey, and exactly how The Approach was born

Get instant access to The Approach 360 today!

How It Works

  • Learn In Your Own Time

    Study in your own time in the comfort of your own home. You've got lifetime access, use it!

  • Watch On Any Device

    Watch on your phone, tablet or laptop anywhere you like!

  • Get Started Straight Away!

    No need to wait - You get instant access the moment you place your order.

Here's What People Are Saying About The Approach 360

Gus Hornsby

5 star rating

“I flew all the way from South Africa to do The Approach Level 1 Instructor course some 5 years ago with the great charismatic Eddie Quinn. It was money well spent then. Investing in the Approach 360 Course was supposed to be a refresher, but it wa...”

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“I flew all the way from South Africa to do The Approach Level 1 Instructor course some 5 years ago with the great charismatic Eddie Quinn. It was money well spent then. Investing in the Approach 360 Course was supposed to be a refresher, but it was more than that for me. The innovative tweeks that Eddie made to 'the already super effective self-protection system' just brought The Approach to a new level. Lucille is a 'she devil'!!!! - unleash her and there will be total destruction. The small investment for The Approach 360 was another great investment. Great job brother. 5 out of 5.”

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Akbarali Ladha

5 star rating

“I heard of Eddie Quinn and The Approach System through training with Nigel Anthony, Steve Maycock, Jas Shargill and a number of individuals. Not having had the privilege to meet or train with Eddie I was informed of The Approach 360 on-line course...”

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“I heard of Eddie Quinn and The Approach System through training with Nigel Anthony, Steve Maycock, Jas Shargill and a number of individuals. Not having had the privilege to meet or train with Eddie I was informed of The Approach 360 on-line course which he had developed. I bought the course and have been going through it. I am not in the best of shapes nor a great martial artist just a normal individual interested in this area, I have found the course to deliver exactly what it states. This course definitely benefit anyone whether you are like me a novice or an extremely experienced martial artist. It is easy to understand, the principles and techniques demonstrated are easy to pick up as the system uses body mechanics very effectively. The Approach System uses Hammer Strikes as it's foundation, these are very effective and help in preserving your fists and hands. More combat systems are using this method and palm strikes from what I have seen. I find The Approach a powerful tool as it has helped in building my foundation knowledge and has helped in my development with other training systems. I cannot recommend this highly enough as this has helped in enhancing my knowledge and skill set. Peace.”

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John Gardiner

5 star rating

“Eddie Quinn's Approach 360 course released in December 2017 is an ideal introduction to the Approach self protection method. Broken down into short and easily digestible lessons, it gives students a solid base of understanding in the essential fou...”

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“Eddie Quinn's Approach 360 course released in December 2017 is an ideal introduction to the Approach self protection method. Broken down into short and easily digestible lessons, it gives students a solid base of understanding in the essential foundations of Eddie's Approach. Regardless of experience, there's something of value in this course for all levels of experience, from the novice to those with a past history in martial arts or combatives. Though I've never met Eddie in person, I have great respect for the man and for his silat guru, Chris Parker, and have watched the development of the Approach over the years. Eddie is onto something quite exceptional with the Approach with its highly effective yet simple to learn format. The one other element it would be great to see from Eddie in the future is something on the "Left of Bang" aspects of the Approach training, that is, training the combative mindset prior to engagement. Lee Morrison has done a lot of good work in explaining this area of combatives study, and it is a vital component that some martial arts including silat take extremely seriously. Having seen some of Eddie's Silat Fitrah brothers in action, it is a practice inherent in that fighting style. All in all, I have nothing but positive praise for the Approach 360. Eddie has excelled himself once again. Definitely a 5 Star course! ”

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Jason Peck

5 star rating

“I didn't like The Approach... I loved it! I've gone through it twice already, and have been training it since the first time through. It's simple with it's techniques and execution, but not simplistic. Eddie Quinn's right when he talks about "what...”

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“I didn't like The Approach... I loved it! I've gone through it twice already, and have been training it since the first time through. It's simple with it's techniques and execution, but not simplistic. Eddie Quinn's right when he talks about "what technique syndrome". You don't have to worry about that. You just hit using the gross motor techniques he teaches. Not only is The Approach itself great, but Eddie is a fantastic teacher. Now wonder he's won awards. And it's funny how you feel like you know him and his training partners, even though I've only ever trained online. Hope to meet him in person one day.”

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Your Instructor

Instructor Bio:

Welcome! I'm Eddie Quinn, a professional martial arts teacher. I’m based in my hometown of Solihull, England, although I teach martial arts and self defence across the entire globe.

My martial arts journey began 37 years ago... On night of the 23rd November 1984, I attempted to defend three girls who were being attacked at a bus stop.

It resulted in me getting stabbed a total of six times. The right ventricle in my heart, my liver, bowel, gallbladder, head and thigh were all punctured in the attack. Thankfully I survived.

During recovery, my heart surgeon recommended I take up a Combat Sport. I took his advice and began my journey to seek out the best martial arts teachers from around the world.

This journey not only rebuilt my life; it saved my life. I believe that my calling in life is to share with others the benefits of the Martial Arts I have studied and mastered over the years.

I've taught Counter Terrorist Units, Police Officers, Anti-Poaching Units, Elite Military, and members of Bodyguard Detachments for Royals, Presidents and Prime Minsters. The Approach Method I founded was voted System of the Year at The British Martial Arts Awards 2016 and 2017, and I also won Reality Instructor of the Year 2017.

In 2019 I was voted ‘Martial Arts Man of the Year’. Many great titles, but it all sums down to this:

Great teachers change the world for the better by helping others improve their lives, their aspirations and their outcomes. I hope I can do that for you.

Eddie Quinn

Founder of The Approach Self Protection Method

What's Inside The Approach 360?

  • 01

    The Approach 360

    • 1. Intro

    • 2. It starts before it starts

    • 3. Contract & expand

    • 4. 3 fights

    • 5. Paint a picture

    • 6. Hammer - Bat - Blade

    • 7. Circular Hammer strike

    • 8. Circular Hammer strike on pads. ( Pad holding safety brief )

    • 9. Speed up, don't slow down!

    • 10. Keep your head on the shot

    • 11. Make a circle

    • 12. If the elbows could, they would!

    • 13. Time & distance

    • 14. Attack the threat

    • 15. Don't forget to brake!

    • 16. Back away mate!

    • 17. Alignment

    • 18. The weak assists the strong!

    • 19. The Backhand Hammer strike

    • 20. The Backhand ( Finer points )

    • 21. The Backhand ( Safety brief )

    • 22. The Backhand ( Pad drill )

    • 23. Power from weakness!

    • 24. Lets put it all together! Drill 1

    • 25. Drill 2

    • 26. Drill 3

    • 27. The Approach 360.

  • 02

    Bonus 1 The Approach Manual PDF

    • The Approach Do's and Don'ts

  • 03

    Bonus 2 Interview with Eddie Quinn

    • Interview with Eddie Quinn by WOMA TV

  • 04

    Bonus 3. Essential Self Defence Strikes.

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